Friday, January 17, 2014

Sephora Tester Reviews, 1 of 15: Algenist Advanced Anti-Aging Repairing Oil

Algenist is a skincare company that uses algae in their formulas (hence the name) for it's restorative properties. They are not the only line to do this, I've seen quite a few brands that use algae in their prducts (biotherm comes to mind), but this is for sure one of the higher price points in what I've seen of the algae skincare lines, with a 1oz bottle of this oil selling for $79 USD.
My only complaint is that the tester package was very small and I got maybe 2 uses out of it(after cutting it open and scraping out all the product). Other than that, this oil is really lovely! My skin, which is very dry at the moment, felt plumped, moisturized and fresh. The oil absorbed into my skin very quickly, and although I did not feel greasy, it left me with a really nice healthy looking glow. 
Here's the deal, it's a great product, but you have to shell out some cash for it, and it's not something to replace your night/day cream or even serum, this would be an addition to you regimen. I would suggest putting it on before your serum, since oil often acts as a carrier for active ingredients it will boost the effects of your serum ( if you don't use a serum you can also just use it before your cream, it will do the same with that). As far as anti-aging,the algae will aid in natural cell regeneration as well as helping to restore skins firmness and elasticity. This oil is also full of ceramides which retain and balance the skins moisture levels, as well as increasing skins water retention capacity and minimizing moisture loss. Cerimides give skin that healthy, plump, youthful and glowing look. If you have dry or menopausal/post-menopausal skin you need to look for a product with ceramides!!! 
So to wrap it up, I really like this product, but your also paying for the luxury of it (and it is luxurious!), I wish the tester was a bit bigger so I could use it a few more times. It would be a great addition to any anti-aging regimen, but it's not the most practical for someone who is low maintenance and doesn't like using more than one or two products. 
3 and a half stars out of 5. 

Monday, May 13, 2013

Rave: KATE SUMMERVILLE Exfolikate Intense Exfoliator

Kate Summerville has been a major name in Skincare for some 18 years now. Her skincare line has a different approach than most; coming more from a medical stand point than esthetics, so medicine meets skincare. I've seen raves and great reviews about her products before so I picked up her number one seller: the Exfolikate Intense Exfoliator... IT WAS AMAZING. Seriously. My skin has never felt so smooth, even, clean and glowing! The exfoliator is a dark green paste that smells like spices and fresh fruit; it's gritty and tingles when applied to the skin but isn't irritating. It will make you flush a little bit for a few minutes after, but that just means the fruit enzymes are doing their job! However, if you have very sensitive skin I would steer clear or use the gentle version, I could imagine someone with very fussy skin getting a less than positive reaction from this product. Other than that, it's suited for any type of skin, it's not drying, kills bacteria, removes dead skin cells and gets the circulation in your face going.
When it comes to price, this product is no bargain, lets be clear, its pretty costly, but if you're looking for a quality product or  want one staple in your skincare regimen to keep everything looking great, this is it.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Just some recent makeup selfies

Thought I'd share a few looks I've been wearing lately.

Review: BUMBLE AND BUMBLE Black Hair Powder

I've heard people raving about Bumble and Bumble for a while now, both amateurs and professional hair stylists alike. I'm not sure why, maybe the packaging just never caught my eye or the price was a little too high for me to pay much attention, but until now I've never tried anything by B&B.
I've tried all sorts of dry shampoos, my hair gets a little oily at the roots after a day or so and I don't like washing it daily because it dries it out and makes it brittle, so I rather wash it every two or three days. The issue is, I have black (dyed) hair and most dry shampoos are white. I've tried SO MANY that promise to be invisible, but every time, no matter how much I brush it out or rub it in, my hair still looks a little grey or washed out at the roots... and being 22... that's literally the last thing I want. It then became clear that I needed something that was colored, I found a brown dry shampoo/ dusting powder from a cosmetic company called Cake, I was really thrilled, and for a while it satisfied. I was also really impressed that it smelled so much like actual cake icing, but once I saw my roots in sunlight and realized they were a muddy brown, I was back to square one. FINALLY, I found out B&B made a black hair powder, and being the cosmetics nerd I am, I immediately looked up reviews on both YouTube and the Sephora website. I wasn't very thrilled with the feedback I was seeing, many people said it was "tar-like", "messy", "like black hairspray" and "an awful product from a great brand"... but to be completely honest, when I see people complaining about a product from such a highly esteemed brand, I'm skeptical. If it was actually awful, the company probably would have pulled it by now, they have a reputation to maintain as well as the fact that if it's universally bad, no one would be buying it. So, I went out and got it anyway, and my skepticism was right... for the most part. I usually assume (and I'm usually correct) that when people complain about how shitty a product from a highly esteemed company is, they have no clue what they're doing, and this was very much the case. People don't look at the instructions, ever. If you use this product, you NEED to hold it 10-12 inches way from your head to get a more even distribution of product, if you hold it 1 inch from your head, yeah, its going to look like tar. You also NEED to keep the bottle moving so you don't get splotchy. Another huge issue for people seems to be patience... WAIT LITERALLY 30 SECONDS... then rub it in or brush your hair, there were so many complaints that this product was too much like hairspray... not if you leave it alone for literally half a minute!!! It actually pisses me off how stupid and bratty people can be because a product isn't basically magical. It's a good product, just know how to use it, read the instructions, takes like 15 seconds.
That being said, I'll get to the break down:
Absorbs oil like a boss!
Doesn't make your hair look grey
Would be great for touching up roots when you don't have time to dye your hair
Makes hair look thicker
Adds texture

You need to apply it before makeup!!!! (in case it gets on your face you need warm water and soap to remove it)
I really, really wouldn't suggest using it on hot/humid/rainy/snowy/wet days or before working out as it will run down your forehead... and the last thing you want is to have to walk around with what looks like your scalp melting down your face... gross.
Also, If you sleep with this product in your hair, I'd advise you use a dark pillowcase because it can transfer, although it comes out in the washing machine just fine, if you share your bed with someone, waking up with what looks like a soot stain in your pillow might be kinda awkward.
Try not to run your fingers through your hair with this stuff in, it will turn them black, and if you're like me, you'll space out and do it anyway, touch your face, and walk around with a Hitler mustache and have no idea why people are staring at you (I accidently did that with charcoal through most of art school).

In conclusion, the product works, and works well, but the powder is not translucent, its BLACK, and that's just something you have to be prepared to deal with, which given certain circumstances (getting caught in the rain), can be a pain in the ass, but at least your hair doesn't look dead or grey. So, I guess I'd give it 3 and a half out of 5 stars.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Rave: LUSH Hair Care

I wanted to talk a bit about hair, I know I've concentrated mostly on makeup and I'm no expert on hair but I had to write a lil something.
Since I was 14 I've been abusing my hair with all sorts of styles, dyes, bleaches and products that over time really weakened it without me realizing. I thought my hair was close to invincible until about a year and a half ago when it finally reached its breaking point (literally). I decided I wanted more of a curl in my hair since its naturally sort of wavy but doesn't have much of an actual shape. So, like an idiot I went into a salon I didn't know, which out doing any research and asked for a loose perm... Worst idea ever. Like I said, I'm not an expert, but I'm pretty sure of any stylist who gave a fuck about anything other than money looked at the condition of my hair they would have turned me away. Instead I got my hair FRIED! It was like mush! I didn't even get a curl, as soon as I washed it after a few days it just turned into dead frizz and breakage... It was like I had Gene Simmons hair. Every time I washed it, it would break and come out in clumps, I was so upset I considered shaving my head and starting over!
I tried a ton of "healthy" deep conditioners, from oil and fat based products designed for ethnic hair to Wen, nothing worked well enough to get my hair back to what it was. The worst part is I was desperately trying to grow it pit long at the time and it kept breaking!!
So, I worked (briefly at LUSH) and wasn't too sure on the products at first, I'd used a few things for skincare and was impressed but had never tried their hair products. I found New!, a shampoo bar that stimulates the scalp with cinnamon to promote growth, Jungle; a conditioner bar that I honestly only bought at first because it smells like avocados and bananas but turned out to be a staple in my hair care routine AND R&B; a leave in condition that SAVED my hair.

New! Shampoo bar:
Stimulates scalp so hair grows a little faster
Packaging free
Bang for your $- get close to 60 washes out of that little red cake.
Smells like red hots
Solid, small and light- good for travel
Slightly drying- need a good conditioner
Have to keep it in a dry place after use or it will melt a little.

Jungle Solid Conditioner:
No packaging (environmentally friendly)
Also good for travel
Smells so good I want to eat it
A little bit goes a looong way
Light and doesn't weigh down my hair or leave my scalp oily
Can melt in heat
I have to use it in combo with a leave in because I find it doesn't penetrate the ends of my hair enough

Smells SOOOO good
Leaves my hair shiny, soft and detangled
My hair was noticeably stronger
It's like if you're hair got into body building and got totally jacked.
Be careful not to get this stuff in your roots as it can make your scalp oily really easily, I'm even careful just brushing it thorough my hair.

A big part of why these products work so well is because they're mostly natural and don't coat your hair with synthetics like silicone which over time damages your hair. They have a huge selection for all different kinds of hair and I'd suggest everyone and anyone go talk to one of the super friendly floor staff to help find something that's great for you. These threes products I discussed were just the products I found to be most beneficial to my situation, but they have something for everyone! Plus they look and smell so great!!!



Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Laura Mercier is a French makeup artist/business woman with a very successful line of up scale cosmetics. You can find her products at most high end department stores as well as Sephora.
This was my first purchase from Laura Mercier. I need to make it clear that this foundation probably isn't for everyone; first of all, it's a cream formula which some people don't like. This is what I would call a fantastic winter foundation for people with combo or dry skin as its soooo moisturizing, it makes your skin feel super soft and lovely, and is one of only a few foundations that I have actually seen benefit my skin. However, if you have an oily complexion I really would not recommend this product and would suggest something less moisturizing and in a liquid or powder format. This is also a product you need to set with a powder if you plan on wearing it for a long period of time as I find it can make you shiny and doesn't dry-down if you don't use a setting powder. You also probably don't want to apply this product with a brush, I would opt. for a sponge or a beauty blender instead as the brush would probably cause streaking.
Overall, for me this product is fantastic, it makes my skin not only look but FEEL better and provides the coverage and finish that I like. BUT this product is not for everyone so I would recommend trying it on in the store before you buy it and talk to the sales person to see if it's something that would work well with your skin, since it has quite a high price. In the US it's $50 but here in Canada it's $62 and rounds out to about $70 after tax. Keep in mind that a very small amount goes a long way so it will last a long time, which makes the price a little less painful, but like I said, if you're going to make the investment, take the time and find out if this product is right for you. I love it!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Review: Kat Von D for Sephora Everlasting Love Liquid Lipstick

So OBVIOUSLY I'm a makeup addict, especially for the KvD for Sephora line. As a lipstick lover I was pretty psyched to hear about the Everlasting Love Liquid Lipstick; a super long wearing lipstick with awesome color pay off. I grabbed two of my favorite shades that already existed in the other two lipstick ranges Kat has, but there are some new shades out with the liquid lipstick as well. Lolita from the painted love lipstick range; a matte, dusty, rosy pink/neutral AND Adora from the Foiled Love range; a bright red with a metallic finish- very nice for winter!!
So, first I swatched these shades on my hand, it takes a while for them to dry which leaves some room for correction if you make any mistakes which is nice. It has a wonderful dry-down with amazing color pay off, even more lustrous, opaque color than the traditional lipsticks! But be warned, once this stuff dries, IT DOES NOT MOVE, do make sure you're satisfied with how it looks before you let it set. It's also really hard to remove, soap and water don't seem to do the trick so I'd suggest using an oil based remove or something like olive or castor oil to get the stuff off instead of scrubbing your lips red. I really love these lipsticks, the only complaint I have is that the advertising claims its super hydrating... Its not, like most long lasting lipsticks it can be very drying and even crumble after a while, especially when eating and drinking. Fortunately since it has such great staying power you can apply a gloss or balm over it without worrying about compromising the opacity of the color. These would be really great for work, school, long days of running errands but I don't think I would wear them out to eat or on a hot date due to the drying/crumbling aspect, you don't want someone eating bits of your lipstick when they kiss you! Overall, a 4 out of 5 stars!