Sunday, March 10, 2013

Review: BUMBLE AND BUMBLE Black Hair Powder

I've heard people raving about Bumble and Bumble for a while now, both amateurs and professional hair stylists alike. I'm not sure why, maybe the packaging just never caught my eye or the price was a little too high for me to pay much attention, but until now I've never tried anything by B&B.
I've tried all sorts of dry shampoos, my hair gets a little oily at the roots after a day or so and I don't like washing it daily because it dries it out and makes it brittle, so I rather wash it every two or three days. The issue is, I have black (dyed) hair and most dry shampoos are white. I've tried SO MANY that promise to be invisible, but every time, no matter how much I brush it out or rub it in, my hair still looks a little grey or washed out at the roots... and being 22... that's literally the last thing I want. It then became clear that I needed something that was colored, I found a brown dry shampoo/ dusting powder from a cosmetic company called Cake, I was really thrilled, and for a while it satisfied. I was also really impressed that it smelled so much like actual cake icing, but once I saw my roots in sunlight and realized they were a muddy brown, I was back to square one. FINALLY, I found out B&B made a black hair powder, and being the cosmetics nerd I am, I immediately looked up reviews on both YouTube and the Sephora website. I wasn't very thrilled with the feedback I was seeing, many people said it was "tar-like", "messy", "like black hairspray" and "an awful product from a great brand"... but to be completely honest, when I see people complaining about a product from such a highly esteemed brand, I'm skeptical. If it was actually awful, the company probably would have pulled it by now, they have a reputation to maintain as well as the fact that if it's universally bad, no one would be buying it. So, I went out and got it anyway, and my skepticism was right... for the most part. I usually assume (and I'm usually correct) that when people complain about how shitty a product from a highly esteemed company is, they have no clue what they're doing, and this was very much the case. People don't look at the instructions, ever. If you use this product, you NEED to hold it 10-12 inches way from your head to get a more even distribution of product, if you hold it 1 inch from your head, yeah, its going to look like tar. You also NEED to keep the bottle moving so you don't get splotchy. Another huge issue for people seems to be patience... WAIT LITERALLY 30 SECONDS... then rub it in or brush your hair, there were so many complaints that this product was too much like hairspray... not if you leave it alone for literally half a minute!!! It actually pisses me off how stupid and bratty people can be because a product isn't basically magical. It's a good product, just know how to use it, read the instructions, takes like 15 seconds.
That being said, I'll get to the break down:
Absorbs oil like a boss!
Doesn't make your hair look grey
Would be great for touching up roots when you don't have time to dye your hair
Makes hair look thicker
Adds texture

You need to apply it before makeup!!!! (in case it gets on your face you need warm water and soap to remove it)
I really, really wouldn't suggest using it on hot/humid/rainy/snowy/wet days or before working out as it will run down your forehead... and the last thing you want is to have to walk around with what looks like your scalp melting down your face... gross.
Also, If you sleep with this product in your hair, I'd advise you use a dark pillowcase because it can transfer, although it comes out in the washing machine just fine, if you share your bed with someone, waking up with what looks like a soot stain in your pillow might be kinda awkward.
Try not to run your fingers through your hair with this stuff in, it will turn them black, and if you're like me, you'll space out and do it anyway, touch your face, and walk around with a Hitler mustache and have no idea why people are staring at you (I accidently did that with charcoal through most of art school).

In conclusion, the product works, and works well, but the powder is not translucent, its BLACK, and that's just something you have to be prepared to deal with, which given certain circumstances (getting caught in the rain), can be a pain in the ass, but at least your hair doesn't look dead or grey. So, I guess I'd give it 3 and a half out of 5 stars.

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